• Stimulation Overload

    Whenever you get a few moments of silence to sit with yourself, with your own thoughts and uncomfortable emotions, you reach out for something to distract yourself from them. You reach out for your phone. You reach out for a snack. You reach out for company. You reach out for anything that will help you…

  • Why Self-actualization surpasses all other forms of success

    If you had a 25 years to commit to something, what would it be? Would you wake up every day to show up for it? How would you handle yourself in the face of distractions and obstacles? ​ My answer to the above questions is simple, self-actualization. ​ The Journey of Self-actualization. According to Maslow’s hierarchy…

  • How Our Minds Connect Dots that Don’t Connect

    In your mind, there is a little voice that tells you a story about the events happening in your life. This story becomes the narrative through which you view yourself and the world around you. The mind is adept at assigning meaning to events that occur in the course of one’s life. The meaning assigned…

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